Wednesday, November 18, 2020

I Just Want To Work In My Garden And Play With My Chickens Vintage Retro T Shirt

Decorations it’s really upto you to determine what your triggersare. Before t a I Just Want To Work In My Garden And Play With My Chickens Vintage Retro T Shirt the podcaststarted rollingI’m headed to Dayton soon Los Angelesfor a long weekend that’s gonna be funlike Bex and I just have like a four dayweekend without Ella so we’re going tobe in Los Angeles no public events goingon but I’ll be back in st Pete forChristmastime we’re doing somecoffeehouse upgrades our coffee shopthere bandit Coffee Co we’re doing someupgrades to the shop to the retail spaceand I’ve been playing around with theminimalist city finds on Instagramposting pictures of like whenever I goto a new city and museums just Indybusinesses cryotherapy float tankswhatever it may be just just creatingthese new experiences in differentcities trying to really catalog a wayfor people if they go to a city like st Petersburg or Dayton Ohio or Los Angelesto have a reference of well here aresome places the minimalist like so youcan find that over on our Instagram pageat the minimalists hope you find somesome value in that alright finally hereare some voicemail comments and tipsfrom our listeners hi my. That helps out a lotbut it also helps that that we continueto find ways to get that material infront of people because they tend toshare it but no I it’s not about havingan advance that we make we make somewhatof a living off of our books you knowevery month and that’s really nicebut I don’t have to wait for someoneelse permission I don’t have to wait forsomeone’s advance if you want to go thatroute that’s okay there’s nothinginherently wrong with that but realizethat it’s not the the only route anymoreand so we we started the publishingcompany so we could show other peoplehey that’s not the only route there aremany paths to get to what yourdefinition of success is first you haveto figure out what a success look likefor you and I think that’s important andthen after starting that publishingcompany and finishing writing our bookeverything that remainsRyan you and I hit the road for a yearso talk about getting working hard toget a book in front of people we went toa hundred cities did a hundred andnineteen events

Source: I Just Want To Work In My Garden And Play With My Chickens Vintage Retro T Shirt

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Theory and you takea piece of paper write down the 10 mostexpensive things you’ve you’ve purchasedin the last decade last 10 years andthen you flip the piece of paper overand write down the 10 most meaningfulexperience of the last 10 years and thenyou just sort of scratch your head andwonder why none of the items on eitherside of the list match and it gave meinformation to let go of many of thethings I thought yeah I had to hold onto because of some cost and well it’s avery expensive thing or whatever no Ican sell it I can do something else withit because it hasn’t brought me the joyI thought it was going to bring me justin case thoughts along with the just incase items yes so let’s talk about we’llgo back to just the case items again soRyan and I when we were on our veryfirst tour five years ago we were youwe’ve been the minimalist for one yearour first book which is calledminimalism live a I Just Want To Work In My Garden And Play With My Chickens Vintage Retro T Shirt meaningful life it’sabout the five values we uncover itafter jettison our our excess stuff wefigured out that here are the thingswere. The question I always ask and I askJessica as well before we share anythingis is this going to add value because Imean the the noise ratio on social medianow is so high in it I mean it’s youknow it’s like it feels like aninfomercial sometimes when you you youget on to social media and you just seeads and this barrage of sort of of youdon’t have an ad blocker on yourFacebook I don’t need to think but allexist does it really yeah yeah that isgreat well I’ll finish that with a storyabout the gender the gender thing sowe’re in Pittsburgh last night and oneof the first couples that came out to usthey were they said something about wellthe you could clear that the wife haddragged her husband there that nightright and so it was almost the oppositeof your question because she was likehow can I get him on board with thisminimalism thing and I’m like well theway to do it is not to drag him therekicking and screaming right it’s reallyto show to show the benefits of it and Ithink it is less clear with theenvironmental thing because. Synonym forthe verb collect is hoard and socollecting is well planned hoarding inmany cases and when you talk aboutvanity itemswhat does vanity vanity is a is a veneerI’m trying to and I’m trying to impose aI’m trying to project rather a facade oran image of myself onto the world youknow so I don’t know if it’s you’recollecting air jordans or or jewelryyou know whatever baseball cards even Imean it kind of depends on what whatyou’re trying to do now do I think allcollecting is inherently evil no I thinkit’s problematic most of the time in ourculture but if you get true joy fromcollecting a bunch of Santa figurines atChristmastime and displaying themthroughout the house great by all meansdo that but the question is are theyactually I’d advise you life do theyreally bring you joy and if not thenmaybe your collection is actuallygetting in the way for you because youhave to maintain the collection you haveto you know water the collection youhave to feed the collection you have toclean the collection you have to dustthe
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