Friday, November 13, 2020

Even Though I'M Not From Your Sack I Know You'Ve Still Got My Back Happy Father's Day T Shirt

Than 20 andthat soundit might sound ridiculous to some atfirst because you’re thinking like am Igonna have to spend 20 every other weekI mean that adds up 20 bucks that addsup and it does like don’t get me wrongbut Josh and I we we’ve been using thatrule since the beginning so six yearsand I can count on one hand how manytimes both of us have used it combinedand it’s it’s just really cheapinsurance because most of those just incase items we really don’t need them nowour theory is like this is a Even Though I'M Not From Your Sack I Know You'Ve Still Got My Back Happy Father's Day T Shirt rule thatworks 99 of the time I’m sure there isan exception to that rule but for Joshand I it has it has worked a hundredpercent of the time so just implementingthings like that and it’s you know don’tdo it all at onceI mean Josh and Ididn’t start doing everything at once wejust kind of would implement some rulesand then as we saw other areas that weneeded or wanted to improve on we wouldnever implement more rules and createthose boundaries so just keep up keep upthe good work keep doing what you’redoing keeping an awesome example. Of searched for everything byJohn Mayer get that wherever you getdigital music and then every time I seeon our tour page future legs yes itcracks me up I don’t know I’m justpicturing like Bionic legs or somethingI need to hurry up and wrap this upbecause I have to go to the bathroom sobad all right another podcast I’ve beenlistened to a lot recently the CraigGroeschel leadership podcast if you leadan organization or a group of people oryou’re an aspiring leader he leads awhole bunch of churches and the Oklahomaarea now I am NOT a religious personpersonally but it is a secular podcastand in terms of he’s a great leader anduses great strategies to lead otherpeople in an effective but also moralway in a way that will align with yourvalues and help you be a more effectiveleader we’ll put a link to that in theshow notes as well move on real quick right here right now Ryan a few thingsthat are going on our good friend Mattdia Vela is producing a web seriescalled making minimalism he’s thedirector of our documentary which. Just boost your happinessanother book that really helped was EatPray Love she was a woman who completelyhad her whole life turned around by asimple act of leaving her husband andjust how she regained regained herhappiness little by little by justdiving into an adventure my very lastthing that I would say that helped me alot was having two separate journalsI had one journal that was all of myhappy thoughts that would go onthroughout my day even if it was veryvery minimal happy thoughts and I hadanother journal that was just my badthoughts and believe it or not when youwrite down your bad thoughts and thenyou read them aloudit actually looks ridiculous and youstart wondering why you even have thosethoughts to begin with and I eventuallythrew that journal away years and yearslater but having that journal reallyopened up my eyes to how minimal myworries wereevery little singing you think that’s meevery little thing you think that youneed every little thing that’s justfeeding your greed oh I bet that you’llbe fine without

Source: Even Though I'M Not From Your Sack I Know You'Ve Still Got My Back Happy Father's Day T Shirt

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Even Though I'M Not From Your Sack I Know You'Ve Still Got My Back Happy Father's Day T Shirt
Even Though I'M Not From Your Sack I Know You'Ve Still Got My Back Happy Father's Day T Shirt

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Wellfinancially for me so I’m right kind ofgoing back track now and getting out ofdebt so I’ve been listening to all ofyour podcasts you guys have beentraveling with me 40 minutes a Even Though I'M Not From Your Sack I Know You'Ve Still Got My Back Happy Father's Day T Shirt day twicea day for the last three weekspotentially I’ve just been really intoyou guys and really your values are verypowerful and in line with the thepolitical podcast oh my god amazing justreally inspiring cuz I’m really uhthat’s not exactly the feedback I gotacross the boardI live in Trump town so and then I go towork in like Hillary Ville it’s just twototally different totally differentthings but what I question is so rightnow I’m actually in the process oftransition I had a house I lost thathouse I had to downsize him nowtemporary housing and living with mymother and trying to get out of debt I’mtrying to figure out what stuff to keepfor when I have an apartment so I’mwe’re doing them me and my girls got 20girls with us guys whoever is doing thatminimalism game right now or in themiddle of that almost 15th day but umworking on trying to. Great here’s all the newstuff we’re bringing into our lives areyou really enjoying this so in manycases what I foundespecially the LS she loves playing withthe boxes the things came in more thanshe loves playing with the things andand so you know it’s really about wellwhat are the kids going to find value inand and I think that by making themquestion that and build the practiceyou’re not dictating you’re not sayingwell I’m simplifying my life so you alsohave to simplify your life you are now ababy minimalist which is the worstapproach I mean who if you came to meJosh and you were like hey Ryan you needto be a minimalist because you’re a fatloser and you got a bunch of stuff andminimalism is gonna fix you like thatwould not just say you were thinkingthat hypothetically you wouldn’t go intosomeone and tell them that instead whatyou would do is is you would you wouldtry to explain explain but but showcasethe benefits now here’s the interestingthing the benefits for me are going tobe different for Ryan in terms ofsimplifying our. His sky’s steel hooked itup with a bamf yeah we did we so obviousthing in Montana we didMissoula and Hamilton really ran theplaces Great Falls and then we went upto Canada and did Calgary and Edmonton Iwent to those stop you went to all ofMontana stop so I’m going to the Canadastops and then we drove over my firsttime I ever been to Victoria and thatwas that wasn’t on that yeah I made Isay it’s like driving and it was yeah itwas really awesomeI wish I would have more time with angerbut Cecil is out there right yeah yeahwe spent some time with him where Ispent some time with him while I was outthere Paul Jarvis who’s a reallytalented creator he does some great likecreative class it helps creative peoplebe more creative I think it’s just PaulJarvis calm or I’ll just put a link tohis name and the show notes a reallygreat guy he helps creators be morecreative just a wonderful person as wellyeah but he’s out there and on VancouverIsland we went to Vancouver which willtry to get back to Vancouver this yearand no Cooper
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