Friday, November 20, 2020

I Just Want To Read Books Adult Problems T Shirt

Use Twitterand Facebook and Google and Pinterestand all these other places to enrich ourlives and enrich the I Just Want To Read Books Adult Problems T Shirt lives of others tocommunicate express ourselves and sharethings that we couldn’t otherwise shareas easily or we can get stuck in thatsocial media Bermuda Triangle right wecan Corrine from Facebook to Instagramto youtube and just stay stuck and themeaningless glow of our screens and mayI use my phone all the time to tophotograph gorgeous landscapes messageloved ones map out directions etc butthat’s really about the intention wehave and how we plan to to use thedevices and I think the bottom line isthat it’s up to us to determine howwe’re going to use our chain souls andour paint cans and our technologyultimately our tools are just tools andit’s our responsibility to ask importantquestions about how and why we use thosetools but of course you don’t have touse all of them and so some of thesepeople are looking for sort of tips likehow do I identify all of these thingsI’m overwhelmed with now Ryan and Itypically. Be that so me personally I’m35 years old I’m striving to be my 36year old self and then as a family wasmy my 36 year old self look like as a asa family unit as welland so I’m constantly striving towardthat and but when I get there of coursethere’s gonna be a new more idealversion to strive toward and so I takethe the lessons that I’ve learned thethe failures that I’ve had and by theway I think it’s okay to fail a lotespecially as a kid we have this weirdthing in our culture where we weencourage our kids to only succeed andit’s gotten even worse over the last fewyears we have partition participationtrophies you’re succeeding even whenyou’re failing which actually I agreewith with that conceptually I agree thatyou are succeeding when you’re failingbut you you’re succeeding because you’relearning from those failures I fail alot and it’s the reason that that I’mfeel so successful in my life is becauseI learn from those failures repeatedfailure is a bit crazy if you’re ifyou’re failing the same way over andover and over. And what do I want toget out of this because it’s not justabout getting rid of the toys that wouldbe really weird and sadistic if you likeI really want to get rid of kids toyswell no that’s not the point your pointis you want to live with less clutterand you want to not be bombarded withstuff that gets used once or twice ormaybe three times if you’re lucky andthen discard it and the junk bin and thecalls that our basement or attic orworse a storage locker on the edge oftown you know the outcome I think mostof us want isn’t getting rid of thestuff the outcome is well I want my kidsto live a happier or more productivelife I want my kids to live the goodlife and grow to be good people beresponsible people and I can tell youyou know this already the materialpossessions aren’t going to make the kida better person rightI remember you know we Ryan and I bothgrew up really poor back on theoutskirts of Dayton Ohio and we werediscontented growing up and and Ithought it was because we didn’t make awhole lot of money but and

Source: I Just Want To Read Books Adult Problems T Shirt

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Like someone who’s eating the steakwill look at them and say you kill thosepoor animals oh good I mean they’re justlike this huge disconnect that youdescribe your true it is true becausewe’ve made getting food so easy in oursociety yeah because you go to your thefreezer section of your local grocerystore and pick out a I Just Want To Read Books Adult Problems T Shirt slab of meat rightand you have you know you have no ideaand I feel like in order to from me likein order for me to you know eat mebecause I just started eating meat waslat it was last year beginning of theyear I make sure that I am being asresponsible as I can with that foodmm hmm and you know a couple days ago Itook it a step further aware like I wentout and you know pretty much like mademy you know participated in making thefood I guess to another level but uh butyeah I would just my recommendation isnot to go butcher a lamb but get moreconnected with your food and maybe thatdoesn’t mean going out and like my momshe took my brother’s mm hmm out to apork you know pork pork packaging plantand she. They open anythingabsolutely it doesn’t have to be a toy IElla just started chewing gum recentlyand she’s just getting used to it likeshe’s trying to figure out the wholechewing gum I’d say she gets moreexcited about unwrapping that pack ofgum than just about anything else I sawthis YouTube video of this kid for hisbirthday as a joke their family put abanana in a gift bag and put like tissuepaper on top of it yeah and they werepaper on top of it yeah and they werelike okay this is from all of us andthey hand it in the bagand he pulls out the tissue paper and hepulled the banana out and I have neverseen a kid so excited about banana as agift I haven’t seen that one but I didit well on her birthday it was a bookthat’s great not a banana it was apineapple it’s yeah it’s supposed to belike this you know it was supposed to bethis joke uh huh like oh we’re gonnamake the kid upset but then we’re gonnaactually give them the real gift but itend up being like this really amazinglesson like wow a kid’s no matter whatthey’re. A road trip there even betterbecause there’s so much to see on theway there but Burlington makes me feellike Missoula makes me feel I can tell Ican tell you this so we the first timewe went to Missoula was five years agowe were at the end of our very firstbook tour so it was like 2011 and 2012and we were really lucky if six peopleshowed up at an event but it was greatbecause it was it was kind of alistening tour and it shaped in manyways it shaped the material that wewrote in our book everything that remainand then what we talked about in thedocumentary to help us understand whatreally resonated with people let uslisten to people a lot more and that’swhy we do a lot of this podcast we wereable to to get questions for people butwhen we were driving through Missoula itwas one of those days where it was likeyou picked the right day it was it wasMissoula with summer and I had neverbeen to Montana we just finished a tourwe were really tired we finished inVancouver British Columbia we’re drivingback to Dayton Ohio and
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